Produced by the Romanian company AGNES ITARA SRL in collaboration with PURE LIFE SRL, ARGENTUM+® colloidal-ionic silver is unique in the way it is produced and the quality of the finished product. Through a 100% natural, patented method, a basic Ph solution is obtained, rich in silver ions (97%) in concentrations of 5, 10, 20 or 25PPM (mg/l), depending on the consumer categories for which they are intended. The use of sacred geometry, structured water and tahionic devices in the production process greatly increases the benefit and quality of the finished product, unmatched in other products.
Silver is lethal to bacteria, viruses, fungi, in over 650 types of diseases, without being toxic to the human body. A conventional antimicrobial is effective against six or seven types of germs, most often generating unwanted side-effects. Pathogens are known to develop resistance to synthetic drugs over time. However, germs will always be neutralised in contact with Silver.
Disease-inducing organisms are single-celled structures that live in an acidic environment. They breathe with the help of an enzyme. The Silver particles neutralise this enzyme resulting in suffocation and death of the pathogen in a record time of up to 6 minutes. Silver colloidal-ionic ARGENTUM+® proves superior efficiency due to: silver ions [Ag+], structured water, basic Ph, extremely small colloidal particles.
Bună ziua!
Ce se întâmplă cu bacteriile bune din organism, în prezenta argintului? Le afectează în vreun fel?
Multumesc frumos pentru răspuns.
Buna ziua, in sectiunea mituri explicam faptul ca nu are cum sa afecteze bacteriile probiotice deoarece ele respira diferit in mediul bazic (pH7) din organism spre deosebire de agentii patogeni care traiesc in mediu acid. Distrugerea bacteriilor benefice din trup este o problema aruncata sub pres, un efect secundar considerat putin important. Totusi, ea poate conduce la dezechilibre grave atat fizice cat si psihice.