Products containing colloidal gold: m+AURUM, m+ELIXIRIUM, m+ELECTRONUM

- Superlative minerals in terms of quality - The main indications of this product are as follows: antidegenerative, anti-inflammatory, anti-infective, antitoxic, analgesic, healing, immunostimulating, thermoregulating and vitalizing. Consumption of colloidal gold 20ppm has the following particular effects: improves memory and mental acuity stimulates and balances neuronal activity in the two cerebral hemispheres [...]

By |2023-07-12T12:46:55+02:00November 8, 2015|Health|6 Comments

Colloidal ionic silver, a miracle cure

by Agnes Itara In the form of a highly pure colloidal solution, silver is a very effective and simple natural remedy against many ailments, especially infections. It was used for this purpose long before penicillin and sulphur-based medicines, which only appeared during the Second World War. One of the most [...]

By |2023-07-12T12:49:56+02:00November 4, 2015|Health|0 Comments


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