I have been using Colloidal Silver for about 7 years, in my family and with patients. Until 3 and a half years ago when I started working with Agnes Itara, I used only one concentration, namely 5 ppm, imported from Serbia. The other 2 companies that were importing and importing colloidal silver of 20 ppm and 25 ppm from USA or Canada, had very high prices.

I wrote in the book “Water the miracle of life“, now in its third edition, about the virtues of Colloidal Silver, the most powerful natural antibiotic (destroys over 650 types of pathogens), and which has no adverse effects. Only one contraindication – transplantation, because it stimulates the immune system and there is a danger of rejection.

We have the advantage of working with a CoRe Inergetix bioresonance system that makes our products biocompatible with the patient’s being. This allows us to choose which concentration of Ag is most beneficial for the patient (5, 10, 20, 25, 30 ppm). It also chooses from the other colloidal products (Aurum, Elixirum, Electronum, Cr, Cu, Mg, Zn, Bliss, Fortis) what is most beneficial for the patient’s being.

In my family we solved flu and colds in 2- 3 days, biliary dyskinesia in 3 months (after 6 years of suffering), cystitis and candida. With our patients, we have achieved the best results in the following conditions:

  • Chronic sinusitis of 5, 7 and 17 years in 2-4 weeks;
  • Bronchial asthma – within 3-6 weeks, especially in children;
  • Candida – in 30 to 40 days, without return;
  • Psoriasis;
  • Diabetes;
  • Multiple sclerosis – improvement;
  • Conjunctivitis and blepharitis;
  • Eczema;
  • Various types of cancer – adjuvant;
  • Very good results after cancer operations.

I want to note the need for physical disinfection of the body by intestinal cleansers or post therapeutic in parallel with the administration of colloidal silver and alkalinization of the bio-field through the Basic Diet or the 80 -20 diet (80% alkaline foods – 20% acidic foods).

Absolutely all the patients we did the complex evaluation with the CoRe Inergetix System received as a recommendation in the field “Supplements”, Ag Colloidal. Proof that due to lifestyle, we all have toxins and acidic bio soil, a factor that favours pathogens.

If those concerned cleanse their intestines (specifically) and alkalize through diet and alkaline water, the effectiveness of Ag Colloidal increases greatly.

We recommend small and frequent amounts; 5 ml 4-5 times/day or 8-10 times/day to maintain the concentration in the body. In acute cases the amount can be increased to 10 -20 ml at a time.

Regarding the other colloidal products we have had very good results in depression (of several categories) with Colloidal Gold, Elixirum (Au + Ag) and Electronum (Au + Ag + Pt) and with Colloidal Chromium in pancreatic imbalances, including diabetes.

In my last 2 books “The Immune System – The Key to Health” and “Healing through Love and Forgiveness” I have described several dozen cases, in absolutely all of which Agnes Itara colloidal products are recommended.

Because we do holistic therapy, we make personalised recommendations to clients on the emotional body, the mental body (positive affirmations), the spiritual body (prayers) and forgiveness. Without these and without changing the patient there is no deep healing or cure, only partial and temporary relief.

Holistic Therapist, Psychologist – Mihaita Toma