My name is Irina Dolteanu and I am a specialist in family medicine. I use and recommend the colloidal ionic silver Argentum+ brand Pure Life from Agnes Itara S.R.L.
Since I discovered Argentum+ 10ppm, I have used it internally 20ml twice a day, and externally in various ways: as a cleanser with astringent and pore-purifying action, as mouthwash and for intimate hygiene. I have never experienced any side or adverse reactions.
The effects that appeared shortly after starting use are as follows:
- a state of relaxation, elimination of stress,
- decrease sleep hours by three hours, due to increased dynamism and regeneration,
- optimism, tonicity,
- I controlled my emotions more easily,
- self-control, security, sunny disposition,
- refining taste perceptions,
- soothing facial skin after using it as a cleanser,
- I felt a freshening of my body odor, mouth and breath (I also used it as mouthwash),
- Thanks to the energized and vitalized state, I didn’t feel the need to eat so much (I’m 75 kg at 165cm) and this helped me in my slimming cure,
- increased intellectual performance, attention, improved memory,
- I used for intimate hygiene 10ml Argentum+ 10ppm and noticed very good hygiene preservation of that area and a pleasant feeling of compatibility with the colloidal product.
- I felt the very good efficiency of the Argentum+ product in quality/quantity ratio.
In conclusion I recommend Argentum+, from personal experience, as a food supplement for all age groups, for improving quality of life, for maintaining optimal health, as an antiseptic, regenerating, vitalizing, tonic, immunizing and as a good cosmetic product (tonic with astringent action). I also recommend this product for emotional balancing and for improving intellectual performance.
Irina Dolteanu specialist in family medicine
Buna ziua,
Argintul coloidal poate avea vreun efect negativ asupra plasei pentru herbie sau a lentilelor de contact ( folisit ca picaturi pentru ochi) ?
nu, nicidecum. nu are cum sa reactioneze si nu afecteaza cu nimic.
Buna ziua,
Va recomandam produsul Bliss 30ml pe zi timp de 2 luni. Veti vedea ca va veti simti mult mai bine. Va dorim mult succes!
Buna ziua ,
Va rog frumos sa -mi spuneti cum pot folosi argintul coloidal in cazul CATARACTEI ? Am fost diagnosticata cu cataracta presenila la un ochi in proportie de 50%. Am 56 ani si nu prea as vrea sa ma operez. Refuz sa cred ca nu exista solutii macar pentru stoparea evolutiei ,daca nu pentru vindecare .
Mentionez ca produsele firmei dvs sunt foarte bune ,am folosit Argentum forte 20 la o raceala ,iar pulverizatorul nu- mi lipseste din casa pentru rosu in gat si cosuri .Va felicit pentru ceea ce faceti.
Buna ziua, este necesar tratament mai complex. Aici putem raspunde doar in linii mari. Este foarte bine ca folositi produsele noastre pentru afectiuni.. uzuale, ca sa spunem asa, insa pentru cataracta este mult mai de indicat sa vorbiti cu medicul nostru specialist la numarul afisat pe site. Va multumim.