Did you know that in the distant past, magic potions were brewed in silver pots?

home-flIn ancient times, silver was used to make vessels for storing food and for jewellery and later became a favourite material for coins. In the Middle Ages, the remarkable physician and alchemist Paracelsus attributed therapeutic virtues to silver, claiming that it had a profound curative action in the treatment of many diseases. These observations are reconfirmed by modern medicine: silver is lethal to bacteria, fungi, viruses and useful in over 650 diseases, according to Science Digest, which published the 1978 article Our Mightiest Germ Fighter. It states that after painstaking research, silver has been proven to be a miracle of modern medicine… One antibiotic kills half a dozen pathogenic species, but silver kills 650.

Evolution of silver therapy

In the 19th century, the first devices that could extract metal particles by electrolysis appeared. These remained in suspension in a solvent, forming colloidal solutions which were the main antibiotic of the period.

Fleming’s discovery of penicillin has directed research into synthetic methicillins. In addition, controversy over argyria (benign bluish-grey skin pigmentation) caused by overdoses of poor-quality colloidal silver caused the public to view colloidal silver with suspicion. Thus the primacy of synthetic remedies was established.

But more recently, modern equipment has taken silver therapy to the next level. Silver ions are extremely small bio-active and bio-accessible particles, charged with a positive electrical charge. Widespread recognition of their effectiveness began with Dr Robert O. Becker’s research into limb, spine and organ regeneration in 1970. Author of the book The Body Electric, he discovered that silver ions help grow bones and kill bacteria, with no side effects on the human body.

What are silver ions?

Unlike classical colloidal silver, silver ions are much smaller particles charged with a positive electrical charge. The large surface area and positive Ag+ electrical charge of silver ions play a key role in the distinction between ordinary colloidal solutions and colloidal-ionic solutions.

In modern times, due to their strong curative effects, ions are found in most antimicrobial products. Major companies (GlaxoSmithKline, Oral-B, Nivea, Samsung) use silver ions successfully! We are now seeing the emergence of many consumer products based on silver ions.

Argentum+ is a unique product, by the way of production and the quality of the finished product, being the only Romanian food supplement with silver ions. The production process starts with the preparation of water, through purification, distillation and structuring. The silver used is very pure (99.99%), lead-free, a unique method is used to obtain solutions with a basic pH, rich in silver ions (over 86%), in concentrations of 5, 10, 20 or 25 ppm (mg/l), depending on the consumer categories for which they are intended. The use of sacred geometry in the production process adds further beneficial effects to the finished product.

How argentum+ heals you

Argentum+ restores the body’s bio-electric field. Pain and disease are caused by disruption of the body’s bio-electric flow. In a single sip of Argentum+ solution there are trillions of silver particles with a positive electrical charge (Ag+). Where the bioelectric flow has been impaired, restoring a normal electrical flow supports the healing process. By their action, silver ions ensure an adequate supply of oxygen and other necessary nutrients to cells, which ensures a strong resistance of living tissues to the action of pathogens.

Pathogens are also known to attack cells with low pH. Silver ions play an important role in balancing intracellular pH. This neutralises disease-inducing organisms and returns cells to normal pH.

The therapeutic action of positive silver ions is not directed restrictively, only on certain cell types, as occurs in the case of some remedies, but is a universal, general action, so that Argentum+ improves the functioning of all cells of the human body. In addition, it neutralises pathogens in record time. Laboratory tests have shown that bactericidal, virucidal and fungicidal action begins about 2-7 minutes after contact with pathogens. The neutralising action is doubled by blocking the multiplication of these pathogens.

Dr.Micu Alexandru-Cătălin

Primary care physician, psychiatrist, sexologist, aphypnotherapist

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